Besteam is a Football simulation game, “Free-to-play” and “Play-to-Earn”, built on the Polygon blockchain with its token (BTEM) and based on NFT.
Every single user is a virtual football player with a totally customizable avatar with single features which play a specific role onto the pitch.

New Design, same taste!

Besteam is a Football simulation game, “Free-to-play” and “Play-to-Earn”, built on the Polygon blockchain with its token (BTEM) and based on NFT.
Every single user is a virtual football player with a totally customizable avatar with single features which play a specific role onto the pitch.

Besteam is a Football simulation game, “Free-to-play” and “Play-to-Earn”, built on the Polygon blockchain with its token (BTEM) and based on NFT.
Every single user is a virtual football player with a totally customizable avatar with single features which play a specific role onto the pitch.

This is how the new BEEBAD clothing brand sets foot in the fashion industry. A strong statement with a disruptive message and a profound background focused on the safeguard of bee life and environmental impact.

Beebad Cup Mkers

BEEBAD, brand al Societății Mater Mediterranea, cunoscut pentru că a lansat prima băutură energizantă Made in Italy îndulcită exclusiv cu miere, alege să-și continue calea internaționalizării și inovării investind în Mkers, team care de ani de zile este protagonistă a marilor competiții sportive.


Încearcă oferta - 24 doze de 250 ML Dacă nu ai descoperit încă de ce BEEBAD este băutura energizantă puternică prin natura sa, încearcă pachetul nostru de șase doze! 24 doze de 250 ML. Pachetul de 24 doze este ideal pentru cei care au încercat deja energia extraordinară a BEEBAD-ului și o doresc in continuare.

Besteam is a Football simulation game, “Free-to-play” and “Play-to-Earn”, built on the Polygon blockchain with its token (BTEM) and based on NFT.
Every single user is a virtual football player with a totally customizable avatar with single features which play a specific role onto the pitch.

New Design, same taste!

Besteam is a Football simulation game, “Free-to-play” and “Play-to-Earn”, built on the Polygon blockchain with its token (BTEM) and based on NFT.
Every single user is a virtual football player with a totally customizable avatar with single features which play a specific role onto the pitch.

Besteam is a Football simulation game, “Free-to-play” and “Play-to-Earn”, built on the Polygon blockchain with its token (BTEM) and based on NFT.
Every single user is a virtual football player with a totally customizable avatar with single features which play a specific role onto the pitch.

This is how the new BEEBAD clothing brand sets foot in the fashion industry. A strong statement with a disruptive message and a profound background focused on the safeguard of bee life and environmental impact.

Beebad Cup Mkers

BEEBAD, brand al Societății Mater Mediterranea, cunoscut pentru că a lansat prima băutură energizantă Made in Italy îndulcită exclusiv cu miere, alege să-și continue calea internaționalizării și inovării investind în Mkers, team care de ani de zile este protagonistă a marilor competiții sportive.


Încearcă oferta - 24 doze de 250 ML Dacă nu ai descoperit încă de ce BEEBAD este băutura energizantă puternică prin natura sa, încearcă pachetul nostru de șase doze! 24 doze de 250 ML. Pachetul de 24 doze este ideal pentru cei care au încercat deja energia extraordinară a BEEBAD-ului și o doresc in continuare.